
We arrived at The Square following early drinks at the excellent Mr Fogg’s down the road – so our arrival was more on time than early on this occasion. We were shown to a nice, large table in the centre of the restaurant but somehow the early minutes felt a little strained and not very relaxed. Once our main waiter took over, the mood improved and we were able to fully enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of The Square.

All of the wines were chosen with the help of the Sommelier. I thought the first was excellent but it was clearly not to Annette’s taste and the Sommelier immediately disappeared returning with an alternative that was more to her taste – a nice touch.

We all chose the tasting menu ad it wasn’t long before we sampled some very nice canapés and the first course arrived.

The first Tomato dish was excellent for something so simple, though not quite as good as the one at The Ledbury. The eel dish was not a dish I was looking forward to but I was pleasantly surprised. The dish had a huge amount of flavour and not at all what I expected. I would have certainly had seconds. The same could be said and was said about the crab lasagne. This was a really nice dish and one of my all time favourites. Annette mentioned to the waiter that this was excellent but too small for something so nice. The waiter disappeared and returned with a second helping for all of us, another great touch. It was just as good the second time around. Next was the Foie Gras. I found this a really nice tasting dish but had a texture that I did not enjoy, almost ‘fatty’. Then came the main which was Lamb. I thought this was one of the better mains I have had and was as tasty and tender as you would expect.

Annette and I now went for our kitchen tour. I am always impressed by how organised and small these kitchens are. The chef showed us around with great enthusiasm and was obviously very proud of what they were doing.

Then dessert, The pick for me was the Textures of Mango which was delicious!

I have wanted to go to this restaurant for a while and it really did not disappoint. In fact it was head and shoulders above some far more well known restaurants. The food was great and matched by the ambiance and  the relaxed but professional staff. This is the favourite of my choices so far.

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